Copyright Rebecca Gregory 2014
Another one from the square monster-of-a-sketchbook. The collage on the left is made with some of my random bits of junk that I collect. I assemble them on the page first and only stick it all down once I'm happy with the result. I make sure I'm working somewhere without any draughts for this bit! Sometimes I'll use blu tak for the bigger scraps.
The little yellow pictures of the uk are from the cover of an old East Anglia map that my Grandparents gave me. My Grandma was sorting out her 'emergency box' that she keeps in the boot of the car and realised that she probably didn't need 20 or so maps from the 1960s anymore, so let me have them all for collage. The gorgeous beige Rover is also from the cover of one of the more 'modern' maps. Somewhere I've got a map of the London Underground from 1982. I'm sure it'll come in useful one day if I visit London, or travel back in time.
I thought as the collage was a bit bonkers I'd do something plainer for the opposite page. The old man is a centenarian drawn from a magazine, but I don't know what his name is. I thought I'd have a go at using pencil, as I haven't done that in a long time, and I wanted to try some shading. I think he works well with the retro wallpaper (a photo of my Grandparent's current wallpaper)...