Friday, 28 March 2014

Introducing my sketchbook journal

Meet my lovely sketchbook. He (she? Who knows) is an A6 Moleskine book covered in stickers (actually, only the front is covered in stickers. The book is way too nice to completely cover up, I feel doing so would be cruelty in some way)

I have am currently keeping three sketchbooks. A gigantic square one for bigger pieces of work, and an A5 Moleskine for travelling. I'll introduce them later. This little book, the baby of the family, is my art journal where I document the world around me and my daily life. I keep it in a separate book so it doesn't get too precious, plus it fits in my pocket.

I started this journal in March 2013 after being inspired by the sketchbooks of Danny Gregory (no relation) so this blog has got a lot of catching up to do. Here are some of the very first pages....

                                       Copyright Rebecca Gregory 2014